Dhinu Jayaseelan, DPT, DHSc
Why GW?
Everyone has their own motivations for a given decision. My goals with pursuing a terminal academic degree primarily revolved around professional development – I wanted to develop my current skills and gain new skills to further my ability to learn, teach, and lead. Most importantly though, I wanted to pursue additional formal education without uprooting my life because I love what I do, have a wife and two young kids, and a social network I did not want to leave. The GW DHSc offered me both of these opportunities, with expert faculty, which made the decision a no-brainer.
Success without the Silo
As we gain experience within our fields it is not uncommon to develop silos naturally as you do your own work. In healthcare and education, in my opinion, rarely does working in silos lead to effective outcomes.
This program has students working with individuals from a wide spectrum of professions with shared goals and objectives.
By doing this, students are provided with unique perspectives that allow us to question and refine our own thought processes, improve our interdisciplinary communication, and enhance the diversity of our experiences.
Progressing into Leadership
This program has developed my understanding of leadership and my ability to apply evidence-based principles in my own leadership positions. I have learned where my strengths and areas of development are, and I believe my consistent self-reflection will allow me to become a better leader.
This is my second degree from GW. When I tell people I graduated from GW, I can tell the name carries a sense of excellence. More than the reputation though, I’m proud to have learned from and worked along-side expert faculty and lifelong learners. I’m hopeful that by becoming more of an expert, I can become a better educator. I’m confident that I accomplished this goal at GW.
Since beginning the program, I was invited into multiple leadership positions within my profession on the national level which I enjoy.